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Seedling question

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Eels | 20:18 Tue 18th Oct 2005 | Home & Garden
5 Answers

Well, I have successfully seeded and sprouted a baby catnip plant (one, of a possible 12!).  It's grown well, with a second shoot starting from the base already.

My problem is that the stem is very weak and floppy, and cannot support the weight of the leaves.  I am propping the plant against the side of the pot and turning it daily to try and strengthen it, but wondered if I should be doing anything different?  Maybe it will become stronger with time?

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Did you germinate the seed in the dark? seedlings tend to grow, 'leggy', that is a bit thin and weak, if they dont have enough light. If yours in now at least three inches tall, with a few leaves growing from the stem, pinch out the growing tip of the main stem, this should encourage growth lower down. You can do this a few times until it becomes stronger and more bushy. For now, tie the stem to a thin but firm cane stuck in the pot to give it support.
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It started life in a dark room, but since it had leaves I moved it to a sunny windowsill.  It's growing really quickly now.  It is planted in a tall pot, which is only half full of compost, so perhaps the light isn't getting down far enough.  I hadn't thought of this, thanks! 

I think I shall prop him up with a cocktail stick and give him a week, if he doesn't pull his socks up it's time for the pinch!

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Well, he hasn't got a name yet, but since he's obviously a bit special (his 11 brothers - and sisters?! - didn't come to anything)  I thought it only right that he at least was allowed a gender.

Why, don't tell me they are all female or something!?

P.S. I got impatient and pinched his top off anyway ... he'd better survive that insult!

Lol, its funny, but all my plants are females, then when they refuse to co-operate I can just put it down to their sex! seriously, the pinching out thing is always a good idea to encourage a more bushy plant.

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