Society & Culture4 mins ago
Plant Identity
12 Answers
The frilly leafed plant next to the yellow sedum. Does anyone know what it is?, if it's not a weed, will it flower? It seems to like my borders and I keep digging it out, but don't mind leaving it if it will add a bit of colour at some point.
The frilly leafed plant next to the yellow sedum. Does anyone know what it is?, if it's not a weed, will it flower? It seems to like my borders and I keep digging it out, but don't mind leaving it if it will add a bit of colour at some point.
It looks like a border plant, I looked on google images for similar plants and there are many look like it and they're not classed as weeds https:/ /www.go /search ?q=flow er& tbm=isc h&i mgil=fp Ay5KBeD t_j9M%2 53A%253 BAJrGTz o3P-LCA M%253Bh ttps%25 253A%25 252F%25 252Fwww .youtub 5252Fwa tch%252 53Fv%25 25253Di dbgl8jL 9Co& ;source =iu& ;pf=m&a mp;tbs= simg:CA ESrwIJV Usd7vzf kgoaowI LEKjU2A QaAggED AsQsIyn CBpiCmA IAxIozx baC84W1 RbbC8wW nx7NFoc enh7QKe E32jffN 9U32Tec IOI3jSL DKBow-1 KvH1eQX uvkRv62 dKh7Y-w 1wKCWff xvW4Upk 11IAHtx tZz-yN1 SpFFPpz ZDD_1KY IAQMCxC Orv4IGg oKCAgBE gQSExOi DAsQne3 BCRqQAQ oZCgZmb G93ZXLa pYj2Aws KCS9tLz BjOXBoN QoXCgVw bGFudNq liPYDCg oIL20vM DVzMnMK GwoIc3V ic2hydW LapYj2A wsKCS9t LzAzajJ 6eAodCg xhbm51Y WwgcGxh bnTapYj 2AwkKBy 9tLzBqc WIKHgoL Z3JvdW5 kY292ZX LapYj2A wsKCS9t LzAxOHN zYww&am p;fir=f pAy5KBe Dt_j9M% 253A%25 2CAJrGT zo3P-LC AM%252C _&u sg=__av 1bpjy8F DbqAO5o N1kTFvV ZR0A%3D &bi w=1366& amp;bih =630&am p;ved=0 ahUKEwj plNuE4e jUAhXrB sAKHR9t CtkQyjc ISg& ;ei=6u9 XWen3Ke uNgAaf2 qnIDQ#i mgrc=5Q J9p_hhS 6IqZM:
Tuvok. I think you've hit the nail on the head. I've just pulled a bit and brought it in to compare with your photo, it looks the same. I'll leave it be as it's obviously not a weed and I'll get some extra colour for the borders.
Can't believe I've been pulling it up for weeks!
Thanks all for your time and effort.
Can't believe I've been pulling it up for weeks!
Thanks all for your time and effort.