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Oil-Fired Heating System Radiators

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Liz65 | 18:46 Wed 02nd Oct 2019 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
There are 11 radiators in the system but 1 has to be turned off permanently. What is the reason for this.? Many thanks. Liz


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I can think of no 'general' reason why such an arrangement should be necessary. It must be something that's specific to your system (which makes it very hard to offer a valid answer). The most obvious one to me is that there's insufficient pressure in the system to pump water through all 11 radiators.
If you have thermostatic radiator valves then one radiator must be turned ON permanently. Are you sure you haven't been given the wrong information?
^^^ Good (lateral) thinking, Bhg!
Maybe the “ Head “ ( pumps are rated in head, the ability to pump a vertical column of water ) the pump being used isn’t sufficient enough for that amount of radiators. Maybe it’s only just coping with the 10. A larger head pump maybe.
Or as bhg says with a system with TRVs 1 rad must have only normal valves so it acts as a heat sink, when all the other TRVs are off. Not calling for heat.

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Oil-Fired Heating System Radiators

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