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Crumble Topping

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rockyracoon | 16:14 Sat 25th Jul 2020 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
I went scrumping this morning and brought home some blackberries. I want to use them in a crumble but the only butter I have is the spreadable type. I usually use a block. Will the spreadable make a decent crumble?


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Yes. It is easier to mix the butter with the flour, oats and sugar when it is softened
It will be delicious!
Question Author
Oh, great. Thank you
I often use spreadable butter and also if you like your crumble topping a little bit "chewy" mix in a little bit of milk. That's very nice too.
Mrs sqad says.. No..... but if that is all that you have got, then get on with it
3 cheers for Mrs Sqad ! Hope you are both doing well.
Ps - lovely to hear the word scrumping again.
LOL Rosie
Question Author
Thanks all. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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Crumble Topping

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