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Farrow And Ball Paint

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pastafreak | 15:29 Sat 22nd Jan 2022 | Home & Garden
29 Answers
Is it worth the money? This is for interior emulsion.


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Here you go, Pasta;,mind%20the%20price%20and%20poor%20coverage%20baffles%20me.
15:56 Sat 22nd Jan 2022
LadyCG; photographs can never do a paint job justice no matter how much light you have. However, if you are pleased with the finished article, that's all that matters.
I heard someone on TV saying that even if a store were able to match the colour, as the paints would not be made in the same way, the actual finish might be different and that would affect the appearance.
Great paint, lovely 'English' colours, used it for years.
LadyCG, can i ask what you applied the paint to - i.e. was it new plaster?
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Corby...was it last night that you heard that?
I heard the same...but felt they were trying to *sell* something.
I agree with what Corby says above it's not a matter of simply matching the colour.
Farrow & Ball paints, are like the best Yorkshire puddings, they have to be made with love.
I never knew until I saw Farrow and Balls colour chart that Mole's breath is darker than Elephant's breath.
Smells the same, though:-J
Here's the sitting room. Only one coat required on top of the undercoat.

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Farrow And Ball Paint

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