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Farrow And Ball Paint

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pastafreak | 15:29 Sat 22nd Jan 2022 | Home & Garden
29 Answers
Is it worth the money? This is for interior emulsion.


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Here you go, Pasta;,mind%20the%20price%20and%20poor%20coverage%20baffles%20me.
15:56 Sat 22nd Jan 2022
I asked the decorator who was doing my lounge and he said no.
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Any reasons given?...just curious
Agree with davebro. The only time i've ever had a customer use it i found it didn't cover as well as the more common brands. Ergo, the poor customer had to shell out even more to complete the job.
it is worth it if you want to impress your guests by saying "that's F&B paint"!
He said it didn't cover very well. He preferred Dulux Trade
Not worth the price. As Ken says the cover is hopeless if you are putting it over previous paints and it can rub off if it comes into frequent contact clothing say in a hallway or passage. I think it is chalk based and is not very hard wearing.
Can't see why it is so expensive. I would go with a Johnstone's paint.
But if colour is important to you then F&B do have some lovely subtle colours.
Danny, i think there is less water in the F&B paint and more pigment.
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I've noticed on their website that specific undercoats are recommended, depending on colour and depth of that colour.
That set off alarm bells for me. I can see painting even a small area could be quite costly.
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Oh, and I've gotten the impression that modern chalk based paints can be very hard wearing.
You can take a F&B colour chart into B & Q and get a colour match on a machine
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Thanks for that Ken. Very informative.
I suppose if you're painting farrow and balls it would be the go-to brand.
Hi Pasta, I've only just seen this thread.

Having just painted all the hallway, stairs and landing in F&B Skimming Stone I can honestly say yes, it's worth the money. The quality and finished result is amazing. We've done the sitting room in Skimming Stone and Elephant's Breath too. I'll try and take a photo when I get home and pop it on here, if it's still light enough when I get home.
This isn't the clearest due to lack of natural light but here you go:

As I said, I'll try when I get home.
If you go to a Johnstones trade paint centre, they'll mix you all the F and B colours. A third of the price and better quality.
The quality and coverage of F&B was superb and I speak from direct and recent experience. We Got the hard-wearing one that can even be scrubbed down with detergent.

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