Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Plant Identification
30 Answers
Can anyone read the label of the plant with the red sticker please? It's impossible on s tablet...EEEK...Sorry about the huge never ending link. I hope it works.
https:/ /www.go ogle.co m/searc h?clien t=table t-andro id-sams ung-rev 2&s ource=a ndroid- browser &sx srf=APq -WBsuRP vHapbzA EUiIqH4 JV92eOC GXA:164 9588759 415& ;q=Plym outh+Ga rden+Ce ntre&am p;si=AN hW_NqV8 qI35yj8 Nx6orC9 ZgA9-mq oEvL1o3 gu1i7LL 5wSj5Yk 0Xmh5RN CTLua45 b5u_lpf Qc_v-uC 9_qyqz9 T73ewOM paclXsa Y5fUrMf sBNEsld qHoupoA t86n6i_ 56DINwJ JZK6fnM nmf5nT6 kq0zKxC tz3oUCT pCc8uRE kE8f5ve ceVmBEG VSNDj3V HxEobon 5t1WMvC Bej6xA8 XbcNYr6 MWx57vE 7sRr7Ho b6F2KM9 fI7twhh LSuRgLC CO52gV6 -_4smX7 Ad5qeoC V2KbsVe vs9sUOK mbUzQfm PqbXpca KiXHreh i7FySZT -9Q9rw9 U1o6q-g G&s a=X& ;ved=2a hUKEwj9 5J6ArYn 3AhXOSs AKHYB3B u4QgOQB egQIWhA I&b iw=768& amp;bih =1024&a mp;dpr= 2#wptab =s:H4sI AAAAAAA AAONgVu LWT9c3L ElJzyrI NnnEaMY t8PLHPW Ep3UlrT l5jVOfi Cs7IL3f NK8ksqR SS5GKDs vileLmQ 9fHsYuL zyU9OzA nIzwzIy C_JL17E KluQU5m bX1qSoZ CeWJSSm qeQnJpX UpSqUAC WBwCt7m 7-eQAAA A
The link I intended: https:// feelslike- home. co. uk/ product/ costus- arabicus- variegata- varigated- spiral- ginger/
19:48 Sun 10th Apr 2022
I'm not sure which plant you mean but the only red blob that I could see was in a picture linked to this article https:/ /www.co rbyfell as.com/ corby-f ellas-a re-prou d-to-an nounce- that-pl ymouth- garden- centre- a-tradi tional- family- run-gar den-cen tre-in- devon-h as-just -instal led-win retail/
But Prudie seems to have found the right plant though.
But Prudie seems to have found the right plant though.
No it's a pot plant on a shelf with a £27.99 price sticker and then red sticker added I'm guessing a price reduction. It has woody stems and large elongated green and white leaves. I have blown it up but the first word is too fuzzy.
If anyone can work it out it looks like
C........... .........us variegata
If anyone can work it out it looks like
C........... .........us variegata
Prudie and Barry found the photo. ( I DID say I hoped the link would work)
The closest I've found is a variegated schefflera...which doesn't match the name on the label.
https:/ /www.co wellsgc .co.uk/ scheffl era-arb oricola -charlo tte#spe cificat ions-li nk
The closest I've found is a variegated schefflera...which doesn't match the name on the label.
I don't know if this link will work, you can see the plant if you click on the 'photos' icon when putting Plymouth Garden centre into google and scrolling through
https:/ /www.go ogle.co m/maps/ uv?pb=! 1s0x486 ced18aa 2819f7% 3A0x792 482242c eaa50f! 3m1!7e1 15!4sht tps%3A% 2F%2Flh 5.googl euserco ntent.c om%2Fp% 2FAF1Qi pNn3bFp JNV9_A9 l31iT4a Sz4_3KF 1GIVQBv 43M%3Dw 426-h32 0-k-no! 5sPlymo uth%20G arden%2 0Centre %20-%20 Google% 20Searc h!15sCg IgAQ&am p;image key=!1e 10!2sAF 1QipMdq _CjFXj_ G3sNOQF nsZWMIQ CwImxC5 AV_dxJ8 &hl =en& ;sa=X&a mp;ved= 2ahUKEw i2yIbQl Yr3AhWw QUEAHeH UBIIQoi p6BAhyE AM