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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:28 Wed 17th Aug 2022 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
morning, Wednesday midweek already, how time flies, I hope that you are all in good health and that your day is a pleasant one. Do you have anything planned for today?
I have a somewhat busy day as i have someone coming round to give me a quote for decorating the hallway, and the pest control people who i hope will rid me of the mice that have invaded the flat.


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todays forecast for the capital is 23c with more thunder storms to come.
It's slowly getting warmer down under, hoping for a drier summer.
Long range forecast is wet, followed by more wet.
Wet is nice, without the cold.
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morning 1ozzy

we are preparing for more rain, floods too, which won't be good.
Hope your unwanted guests get their marching orders, or better still, die a comfortable death.
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the unease they have put me through, the sleepless nights - i couldn't care less if they die as long as they are long gone -
Morning, I love mice.
I always find it amusing that I had mice in my old house with 4 cats.
One of those electric tone things got rid of them harmlessly
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morning RH, i don't like them, they are vermin, and this is the second time i have had them in the flat. So the sooner pest control can get rid of them the better.
They are just trying to survive.
Invest in the electric scarers 2 for a flat should do it. They send out a high pitch tone and keep the little furries away
Good morning all!
A bit murky outside so far.
Take care
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morning Chip
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we have them in the building, in our lower basement area. I do hate them, no messing about they are vermin as i said, and should be disposed of quickly.
Have a good day everyone
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you too RH
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washing on and i have to have a tidy up before my visitors this morning, so won't be lingering too long on here.
Morning all, very humid here again....has been raining - plenty of thunder rumbling yesterday but no storm per se. It's supposed to get brighter and cooler feeling later.

How did the eye visit go?

Off to see the Mater today and probably my siv en route as well as the weekly photo session in Camborne that takes all of 5 minutes to do.
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morning Dtc
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it didn't go well dtc, eye still the same and now they are looking at whether i have rheumatoid arthritis, and putting me on these strong meds, which i am going to discuss with my GP>
sounds like an important discussion to be had - could indeed well be interlinked with your mobility paternal grandfather had that and, back in the 60s, the advice was to leave the UK for warmer climes in winter so they used to go down on the Union Castle from Southampton to Capetown in October, returning at the end of March - fortunately they had the means to do so - first class passage.

Gawd am I sneezing a lot this morning.....
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my immune system seems to be compromised,
Okay, time to be moving and things to be done before I go, not least my coffee and DT.....have a great day.

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