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Dad Joke Of The Day

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Hopkirk | 05:57 Sat 24th Sep 2022 | Jokes
19 Answers
The police were hunting a burglar who regularly stole musical instruments.

The guy they stopped denied it was him, but they found the lute on him.


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Didn't orchestrate that very well did he?..
10:14 Sat 24th Sep 2022
Bet he was crochety.
stop banging the drum and trumpet the news....
sounds like he was on the fiddle x
OK but don't harp on about it
So, found guilty accordion to the evidence.
bet he pulled some strings to get off the charge....
about time he conducted himself better. I am sure he knows the score.
The arresting DCI was of Italian extraction apparently, one Viola Piccolo
So he denied it was him?
That makes him a lyre as well as a luter.
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So he had to face the music!
Sounds like he's pulling out all the stops!
he'll be done for a slew of offences if he keeps playing with his organ, Chip
Having taken the rap he realised he would have to face the music. The judge re-choir-ed him to serve a minim-um of 2 years since he had also fret-ened the police officer on duty.
I expect his dulcet toned breve will spinette some corno atonal knackers and he'll end up with the minim hum sentence or even a suspension.
And he'll be out plucking the lead from tintinabbistation's roof the next day.
Didn't orchestrate that very well did he?..
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Patsy always comes up trumpets.
///he'll be done for a slew of offences if he keeps playing with his organ,///

Especially if he gets the horn ;-)

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