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Double Glazing

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barry1010 | 17:10 Tue 09th May 2023 | Home & Garden
26 Answers
Sitting in my peaceful lounge with doors and windows closed. Should I really be able to hear the birds singing outside? Not raucous kawing of crows, gentle tweets and cheeps.
Is this a sign my windows are shot?


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Look on the bright side, your hearing appears to be in good order.
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My hearing is a blessing and a curse, I hear things other people can't, always have done.
There are things I just don't want to hear and at times yearn for blessed silence
>>> There are things I just don't want to hear and at times yearn for blessed silence

So you watched the first semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest this evening as well as me then?

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Good lord, no. I may have my peculiarities but I'm not a masochist.
Haven't watched it since Boom Bang a Bang won along with half of the other entries

I had this exact problem in my first flat. We tried secondary glazing and it worked wonders:

It's literally a second window you put in on the inside of the window frame. We faced 4 lanes of traffic and struggled to sleep at night but this cut out so much of the noise we could barely hear sirens and loud engines going past. 

There are some window manufacturers that specialise in noise reduction glazing. Everest do one, and any triple glazing would work pretty well too.

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Double Glazing

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