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roadman | 06:56 Thu 25th May 2023 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
ants have found a passage from my brick garden path down under the floor into the side of my utility room which is slightly below ground level now i hear ants cant tunnel so what can i do to block this path im thinking i need to seal the gaps between the bricks but what do you use i am a noob


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A solution would be to lay ant powder down where they are going in, and you can buy packets of mortar or general fillers at builders and DIY stores or online, you fill the holes in with the use of a trowel or a knife.
If ants can't tunnel, how come their nests are in the ground ?
They use anty gravity devices, Old Geezer.
As an alternate to ant powder, you could use baking powder (bicarbonate of soda), apparently it repels most crawling insects (not just ants).
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Ant powder in all holes and crevices
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i done the powder from inside and out now just to fill the holes

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