My daughter Clara is 1‘5“ tall and 17 pounds because of her dwarfism, she is six years old.
Do y’all have any suggestions for how Clara can set up on the furniture more easily? Right now we mainly just pick her up and put her on the furniture (couch, chair, bed, etc.). She can climb up, she is just barely able to do it though, the furniture is really tall for her. Do you have any suggestions so she could more easily get up on the furniture herself?
Also when she is, it is normally all way too big for given that the furniture is just regular furniture. I don’t know if there is a solution to this but is there a way to make it fitting to Clara’s size?
Thank you for the group listed in my last post. I will look at it again, from what it appeared I had to pay. But I will look at it further. I just wanted to ask this question in the meantime.
It is difficult to envisage isnt it. Much smaller than the worlds smallest known six year old, and no help has been offered it seems, driving poor mum onto a UK Q&A site. USA must be a very uncaring country to offer no support
I hate being suspicious, but I'd think any child at the *extreme* end of a condition would gave endless attention...both from the medical profession and from news media.
I gather this child has primordial dwarfism...the 2 I read of yesterday, one here in the UK, and another in the US...certainly attracted a lot of attention. You can't exactly hide the condition...unless you are in a third world country or in the backwoods somewhere.
My scepticism is because I worked as a paediatric nurse for 22 years in NYC. We had many disabled children. All families were referred to appropriate social and medical services prior to discharge. Necessary home care was arranged as needed. I cannot quite believe that Sarah has not received any assistance during the past 6 years
Just checking on this poster's history & there are over 200 answers by well-meaning ABers trying to show sympathy & help, on subjects such as dogs, horses, highchairs, staircases, bathrooms & furniture.
I reported these a couple of times giving reasons based on smallest recorded children but assume Ed is giving the benefit of the doubt or has info that makes Ed believe its all true...
Perhaps me and other skeptiks should just avoid the threads as we just seem to cover same ground every time as we did with imogend
I know next to nothing about dwarfism, so I watched a documentary on YouTube and it seems that children can't be diagnosed with it until they are 5 yrs old, so Sarah hasn't been asking for help for 6 years.
Sarah, if you come back here, can I just say that perhaps asking for advice here, may not be helpful.
Have you tried looking on YouTube ?
That might seem strange, but it's surprising what you can find on there.
If you are in the UK self refer to occupational therapy (children's services) they can help with modifications and aids like half steps, and similar, but even an aerobics step or stack might be enough to help her reach things,and climb onto furniture