Quizzes & Puzzles11 mins ago
Fly Spray......
19 Answers
can anyone recommend one that does not stink so bad?
See if this works, this is what it looks like. https:// ibb. co/ jWzPPxt
21:54 Wed 16th Aug 2023
TTT, I've just sent for some of these tealights which are supposed to repel flies etc.
Not used them before so don't know what they smell like.
https:/ /www.eb ay.co.u k/itm/3 9467918 9344?va r=66324 6782048 &_t rkparms =amclks rc%3DIT M%26aid %3D7770 08%26al go%3DPE RSONAL. TOPIC%2 6ao%3D1 %26asc% 3D20221 1151430 56%26me id%3Dbe 4d2e8db 621489a bef8633 91f270d d8%26pi d%3D101 612%26r k%3D1%2 6rkt%3D 1%26itm %3D6632 4678204 8%26pmt %3D0%26 noa%3D1 %26pg%3 D437519 4%26alg v%3DRec entlyVi ewedIte msV2&am p;_trks id=p437 5194.c1 01612.m 4236&am p;_trkp arms=pa rentrq% 3A00033 1e418a0 adbbf92 28912ff ffe230% 7Cpagec i%3A906 1f065-3 c72-11e e-8f35- 32b575c bd41e%7 Ciid%3A 1%7Cvlp name%3A vlp_hom epage
Not used them before so don't know what they smell like.
I've got these on my shopping list for tomorrow. Don't know if they will work but there's only one way to find out.
https:/ /www.te sco.com /grocer ies/en- GB/prod ucts/31 3836074
See if this works, this is what it looks like.
https:/ /ibb.co /jWzPPx t
TTT yes, they used to, that's why I found a way to stop them getting in. I have a see-through magnetic curtain at my patio doors (attached to the door frame of course) that stops mosquitoes/bugs/flies etc. It opens as you walk through it then the magnetic force closes it behind you. I have the same type of thing in my bedroom. There's lots of different ones on Amazon. It is rare any insects get in now and if they do it's because of my dog going in and out and of course he doesn't care whether the curtain shuts properly or not behind him.
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation