Quizzes & Puzzles20 mins ago
Another "New Flat" Question
I feel a bit guilty of making AB into a shopping service!LOL
My saucepan set must be 20 years old(or more) and the non stick surface has is almost worn nout, so I feel I need a new set for my new flat?
What do you think of these.I trust all you perceptive AB'ers,to approve or not.
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
Thank You~Gordon.
Barsel asked,Gordon, did you decide about an air fryer or slow cooker?
I think that given that the new kitchen is quite small(but very well equiped),and just literally off of the sitting room, a slow cooker might allow cooking smells into the room?
I am still deliberating on an air fryer,there are lots of work surfaces in the kitchen,so one would not take up much space.I have been looking on YouTube for hints,but I really need a practical test,with a real human being.
I shall ask around the flat complex(when I move in),and see if any residents can give me lessons?LOL
...and, yes, for saucepans.
I cook a fair amount - as to pans etc, I have
2 frying pans, one ridged and the other plain
a set of three steamers
a rack of four saucepans
two Le Creuset casseroles of different size and age
One large sauté pan with lid
two Le Creuset sauté dishes - great for small veg roasting.
One essential that I would not be without, I would say, is my moulin - great for purées, soups etc and, ultimately, a back-up sieve.
If you've already got an oven, you'll get far more use from a slow cooker...well that's my opinion. I've got both and still prefer my slow cooker. It's perfect for budget cuts like belly pork. I made gorgeous beef cheeks yesterday...can't do that in an airfyer. Also...any smells from the slow cooker are appetite inducing. 😋
This is my baby slow cooker...I've had it about 5 years and it's still going strong. Other sizes are available.
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendationref=sr_1_9?crid=35FG05337TFLU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.r9fybydrFl8TQ9LhPMkQtkecRyOcbHYhZ8Dv1Wd7WYFo51Xx2T7-SbGFn4BfupmFHEJWWLS6DprJ0K1Zu9r5G9zamzNpmW5Z2xOiA3aza4P--9RmDoP12vg4Wdhr0QAi-q9gKIi-e7vC8k33a0SwkBz2fI77E5HPeS7vwzaRYa5AMPu9epNIHCZ_1RjoiQOhjuJX3RJ7bUuKprA1fDejDjnIH1PAZK4hzZDlw5d7Avk.1O2wVorxJ71zo4_ofIPnF-DM3MauiGqV8hzlZYhclEE&dib_tag=se&keywords=crock%2Bpot%2Bslow%2Bcooker&qid=1707942872&s=kitchen&sprefix=Crock%2Ckitchen%2C221&sr=1-9&th=1
I have 5 pieces(including two very large) Le Creuset casserole pots.
Sadly, due to age and some infirmity,I cannot lift them now(even when empty) I bought them when I was 25,and they have done me proud,but I think it's time for a (lighter) change?
I have seriously thought of a slow cooker,but given what I eat,and cook,I have had to discount that(sorry).
I am still considering an air fryer,but will wait to make a decision on that till I can find someone(in the sheltered building) who can give me real time lessons, on how to REALLY cook with one.
Thanks for the info slow cookers.I am about 80% veggie now,so unless a slow cooker is good for a low meat diet it wouldn't benefit me.Are they good for Veggie dishes?
Thank You very much for all the advice and suggestions,they have got my brain thinking a good deal,not bad for 76! LOL
I WILL let you know what I decide(eventually) so don't be impatient!
From the kitchen of the undecided Gordon.
Slow cookers are good for any ingredients. Excellent for veggie curries/casseroles...meatless chilli...soups. And clean up is ridiculously easy.
Here's some recipes to get you thinking...
I agree with others about the smell from a slow cooker, you will get more smells from frying, although I don't know about smells from an air fryer as I haven't got one.
The smells I don't like are greasy smells, but as you don't put oils or fats in a slow cooker you don't get greasy smells.
If you decide on a slow cooker, get the one with the aluminium bowl as the ceramic ones are very heavy.
I got this one as I wanted one that was big enough to put a large chicken in. They do a smaller one as well.