Good Morning To My Late Morning Birds! in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Good Morning To My Late Morning Birds!

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Smowball | 09:35 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Hello Monday! Sorry I'm late but been so busy last couple of hours and time just flew by! Pump went on our electric shower over the weekend and had a new one ordered and arrived , so plumber will be here this afternoon to fit. Yet another expense, but can't be avoided. I still blame MrSmows uneccesarily long showers - I swear I could have a bath in the time that he takes!! 
Soooo what are we all up to today then?

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Morning Smow and all who follow. There are patches of blue sky here so older son got round  with the dog in the dry this morning, yesterday they both got drenched.

No particular plans for today, its same as, same as. No matter, I survived yesterday which was a big milestone

'Morning Smow and followers ........

😊 Lovely sunny morning here - in a bit of a rush to have blood taken at Health Centre - always a problem as I don't like parting with it! Enjoy the rest of your day x

Morning all, I've no particular plans for today.  

Morning (late) to all.  Blue skies here for a change, tipped it down yesterday. Washing flapping on the line and a day in the garden methinks, strimming won't do itself.

Good morning Smow and all from a lovely sunny morning in East Yorkshire.
I have craft club later on, but other than that nothing much needing my attention here.
Have a good day everyone :)


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Sun is attempting to come out! A little bit of sunshine always makes everything look better.

Now to look online to try and find a solution to stop everyone's cats from doing their business in my garden! Well I have two cats myself but it looks like the entire road comes into my garden in the night! Ive tried using a shop bought 'cat repellent' on the areas that are soiled daily but that hasnt worked at all.

^ Air rifle :)

How about holly branches strewn on the affected area, a prickled bum may deter some offenders and the holly can be picked up and disposed of when the cats get the message

There are a few plants that are supposed to deter them.


I think the Lavender works well, we have loads in the front and never get bothered.


I use a water hose when it happens during the day but that woudn't be any good at night of course.  Just wish people woud keep their cats in at night as they're just out killing creatures, especially birds in the early morning.

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Ooh a few things to try there (apart from the air rifle!! lol)

It rained on and off yesterday. Today...ALL day. Tomorrow...showers.

I'm cold and very, very grumpy.😟 I wonder why. 

I wish everyone else a brighter day 🌅

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Good Morning To My Late Morning Birds!

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