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Cleaning A Bird Bath

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smurfchops | 19:35 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
7 Answers

It gets all reddy brown and gooey, how can l clean it safely please?



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We have a stiff brush that we use then swish it out with water

Tip it out and then clean with a washing up brush or similar while using a hose on a power setting at the same time..

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Yes I think that will be the best way, don't want to use anything harmful.  Thanks.

I tip ours out when it gets a bit mucky and give it a jet with the hose pipe. 

We let ours dry out (especially if its a nice sunny day) and the red/green stuff just flakes off. Refill for the birds!

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I throw out brown bread for the crows, if it is hard they dip it in the bird bath, so clever.

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Cleaning A Bird Bath

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