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Tv Aerial

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barry1010 | 13:19 Thu 01st Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
8 Answers

My TV lost all its channels a while back. I retuned it and got half a dozen channels, so I reset it to factory default and now only get BBC channels with interference.

I've unplugged everything, reconnected, retuned. No improvement.

The roof aerial looks fine.  I rarely watch TV through the aerial as we use Virgin.

Would it be worth getting an aerial chap in or not?  If the internet goes down we have no TV.




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Yes, get an aerial person in. There might be something you've missed in the setup.

If it was OK before summat must have happened to screw it up - have you checked your aerial is pointing at the best transmitter? Other than that it's check all the connections or get a man in.

We had a similar problem.  The aerial was ok but it was the connection to the TV that was the problem.  

You certainly seem to be describing the classic symptoms of low signal strength, Barry.

If I was in your position, I'd try one of these
which will need one of these to go with it

It's important to note though that we're currently going through a period of 'moderate to high' solar activity, which can lead to near blackouts of radio signals:
(Amateur radio enthusiasts, like me, have to try to make sense of all that jargon, which isn't always easy.  However I can tell you, without any doubt whatsoever, that most radio signals simply aren't 'getting out' at all.  So I'm unsurprised if people are experiencing problems with their TV signals, especially during a perid of very high barometric pressure),

I got one of them signal boosters - reception was worse, waste of money.

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I've lived here 40 years with a good signal.  The bedroom TV comes off the same aerial and is fine. It's a puzzle.  We had a new aerial about 10 years ago.

I'm wondering if it's worthwhile with the proposed switch off of terrestrial tv but I suspect that's a few years away

^^^ My experince is exactly the opposite!

I live in a weak signal area, where most houses use large, external antennas mounted atop of tall poles to get a decent TV signal.  I'm using a loft-mounted antenna, which doesn't reliably 'pull in' any signals at all on its own.  However the addition of a signal booster gives me full strength signals across all channels.

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