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Why Does A Washing Machine

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douglas9401 | 10:03 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

Have such a long delay on the door lock when the programme finishes but a tumble drier, possibly full of very hot, wet clothing with all the danger that brings, can be opened with no delay at all?



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I believe a tumbler does the last 10 minutes or so on cold to cool everything off so it's safe but if I stop mine mid-cycle before that happens I have to wait ages before it lets me open the door. 

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Mine doesn't have that feature, Prudie, the door opens at any point in the cycle and stops the drum rotating.

Probably depends on the make of the machine. Mine's a Bosch and I can open it straight away.

Mines a Samsung and it won't let me open the door until it's sung to me.

^^^prudie----- does it sing ''Hang me up to dry'' by the Rolling Stones?

Rather than using a purely electro-mechanical lock/release mechanism on the door, most washing machines use an electro-thermal lock/release mechanism, such that at the end of the wash-cycle, power is removed from the lock, but it takes time for it to cool down and release the door.


Using this method they can guarantee that the drum will have stopping rotating by the time the door is released – but the time period is normally well in excess of 1 minute.

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Thank you, Hymie, that explains it, I can now stop glaring hatefully at the machine as I wait to be allowed to hang out the washing. 😄

Thanks also to the others for taking the time to reply.

11.23 // Mines a Samsung and it won't let me open the door until it's sung to me. //

Pudie - You can shut up your Samsung. It tells you how in the instruction manual. Probably won't make it any quicker to open the door though. 🙄

Opening a tumble dryer doesn't risk pouring a load of water across the floor.

(Incidentally our Indesit washing machine unlocks at the end with no delay)

To be honest wiltsman I like it, I sing along if I'm close by although I was vaguely aware there was some means to switch it off.

My Miele washer opens as soon as the buzzer sounds.

Yes, Miele here opens immediately.

You can also alter the keypad tones and volume and the contast and brightness of the display...just like a telly.

Another gripe, machine says five minutes remaining but you're left hanging for 10 minutes!! What kind of time zone they're on????

Recently I've had to replace both washing and drying machines. Whereas the washer ends with a catchy little tune the tumble dryer emits more of an exasperated sigh.

What's a washing machine? 😊

Possibly full of very hot, wet clothing? If its wet its not working very well is it?

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What part of tumble drying is giving you the most trouble, nicebloke?
The heating up of wet laundry to make it dry eventually or the fact that it's not a blast furnace?

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Why Does A Washing Machine

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