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tamaris | 10:36 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
14 Answers

I need a microwave with  inside stainless steel only. Cheap as possible, but best match, thank you in advance.



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Best if you can get to a shop and have a look.  Many are described as 'stainless steel colour' which isn't the same thing.

Hopefully someone will have one and can recommend.

Mine is stainless steel inside and out but it a large, expensive combi model with two shelves

Our John Lewis microwave is stainless steel inside and out. We only wanted a basic model so bought the cheaper one for about £75.

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Bhg I rang the store but they said they only had combination ones with inside SS

tamaris - they're still on their website. They really pushed the combination model when we bought ours but our old one was a combination and we'd never used the element. Ours is certainly SS inside.

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Wow that's ok at the right price too. If you recommend I'll get that one x

Read the one star reviews.  I would not expect the inside to be peeling 

We've only had ours about 6  months and use it mainly for warming soups, reheating stews and making scrambled eggs, custard and baked potatoes. It does exactly what we wanted and would certainly recommend it. Delivery (or click-and-collect) is free from JL too on orders over £50. We chose to collect ours from a local Waitrose rather than wait in for a delivery or carry it from store to the car.

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Oh dear, too late I've ordered it now Barry 

It might be perfect for you 🙂

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I hope so Barry 

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I'm liking the 2 year guarantee. 

Always worth having. And of course you can return it for any reason as you bought it online if it is not suitable 

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Thank you x

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