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Spray Floor Mops

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Rosie29 | 18:47 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
9 Answers

I think this sort of thing might be useful for me as I want something fairly light and simple and don't want to have to use a bucket.

Has anyone any experience of using one and is there a make that you would recommend  ?

Thanks for any replies.



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If you mean Steam Mop, we have an H2O and like it.

With the spray and mop ones you have to remember that floor's wet for a while so as to avoid hip replacement.

They're okay if used regularly so the floor doesn't get too manky.

Sounds strange. After spraying the dirt and leaving the floor wet how is the dirt removed without a bucket of water to drop it in ?

Morning Rosie I had a flash spray mop but found it unsatisfactory and replaced it with a light weight Shark steam mop which works well and leaved the floor almost dry. It was around £60 if I remember 

* left the floor almost dry 🙄

//After spraying the dirt and leaving the floor wet how is the dirt removed without a bucket of water to drop it in ?//

The muck is absorbed in the mop's microfibre head which can then be removed and put through the washing machine for re-use (sounds a bit manky to me).

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Morning all , thanks very much for your replies. X

I use wet Swiffer mop. Works well for me

Ah, not for large floors then. Well not unless you have several heads. Thanks.

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