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My Bathroom Sink Has One Of Those Stoppers Where You Press It Down...

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sandyRoe | 13:47 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
8 Answers close it , and press again to open it.

Over time it has become partially blocked and it takes a long time for the water to drain away.

How can I remove the stopper so that I can clear the pipe?



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Take your pick . . .
13:52 Fri 09th Aug 2024

Take your pick . . .

. . . or perhaps . . . 

Mine comes out if you give it a twist and pull it out. It can be a bit fiddly gtting it back on though.

When I had a similar issue I found one could unscrew it.

It's a basin, by the way. 😉

Just pull it up.
Question Author

What's the difference between a sink and a basin?

Generally sinks are bigger and in the kitchen, basins are smaller and in bathrooms.

I call them both sinks though :)

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My Bathroom Sink Has One Of Those Stoppers Where You Press It Down...

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