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mallyh | 13:29 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
8 Answers

They have taken over ,lovely when in flower but i want to get rid of them now ,i don't want to use weed killer .Has anyone sucessfully got rid of them if so how x



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Just dig them out though they have tough roots.  

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i've tried that and they feel like they are set in concrete the earth is so hard x

Oh lucky you Mally, I'd love to be able to grow them, I had some in pots but they died. Why not dig the up and give to some friends, wish I lived near you. Apparently they can be cut back to about 4" at this time of year if that's of any help x

^ sorry crossed posts

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Margo i have one clump in a big pot they are staying, it's the ones down my side path that have taken over x

I found this on google.  They do get a grip.

How do you get rid of it?

Dig out smaller isolated plants. Ensure that the whole rhizome is removed.

Slash leaves close to the ground and paint the fresh stump with vigilant gel, glyphosate, or metsulfuron-methyl.

Spray with triclopyr.

Question Author

i've chopped them down ,just seen a method to smother them x

Oh no mally, we lost our favourite Queen Mother agapanthus over winter, I love them but always grow them in pots. I'd come and dig them up for you if I lived near by, and plant them in my garden.

Weve replaced Queen Mother with two Africanus ones, a blue one and a white one, the flower heads are huge.

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