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Kerry, Ireland

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Iamtheoneandonly | 00:00 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Home & Garden
7 Answers

Kerry, used to be known for its scenic landscapes and small population, it has seen an influx of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years...we're being told by the governments that the presence of refugees  has not caused a significant decline in tourism, but the government are taking over most of the hotels, if residents complain they're branded, "far right or racist"... Where do we go from here?



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I live in Kerry - this post is arrant nonsense being peddled by the far right fascistic tendency which is seeking to cause trouble where very little (if any) exists.

There is plenty of room for tourists, they are still coming in droves and are as welcome as ever in our beautiful corner of Ireland.

Integration between locals and incomers is good - be they English (like me), Ukrainian (as we have had a good few in our village), Polish or from Timbuktu.

If you want to seek to spread bitterness and bile, then I suggest you go back to wherever *you* came from - because you don't sound like any Kerryman (or Kerrywoman) that I know.

I'll leave you two to slug it out.


I love Kerry, Cork.  Hope it never changes.  Like London was 50 years ago. Safe.

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It seems you've misunderstood, my intention was not to spread bitterness or bile, and just to clarify that I don’t align myself with any extreme views, and labeling someone who has voiced concerns about their area is a Far Left tactic.

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And I think you should change your name, you don't come accros as Sunny to me. 

Sunny Dave a well known far left person, so I wouldnt worry about being called far right by him as he probably things Sir Kier is far right.

It is a legitimate concern and people should be able to raise it without the far lefts smears.  If its wrong then the point can be argued.

Sunny Dave, instead of labelling people try posing proof otherwise?

11.25 surely you meant Kerry & Cork? Lol

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Kerry, Ireland

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