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Why Do People Clean The Inside Of Microwave Ovens?

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sandyRoe | 20:03 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Wouldn't the radiation destroy any harmful germs when its heating food?



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I regularly wash the glass plate and wipe any food splashes. Hardly takes a minute.
20:06 Wed 28th Aug 2024

I regularly wash the glass plate and wipe any food splashes. Hardly takes a minute.

No, simple answer. Even if they did, would you not worry at all about any 'dirt' coming into contact with your food?

Because they become very yukky otherwise.

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I didn't think you ever call people idiots or stupid, etc?

I do it because I'm not a scruff.

a question for the op, What do you understand to be radiation?

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Light, heat, x-rays, and stuff like that.

it always amuses me when idiots think they know some physics.

why is this level of abuse acceptable?

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What idiot has intimated they know some physic

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People clean microwaves because food can splatter while heating up or boil over. Its not about germs its about removing crusted on food. 

Exactly Auntypoll, crusted on food = yukky 😊

it seems I am not allowed to answer.

the inside of our microwave is wiped after every use.

TORATORATORA, you are allowed to answer privuding you are not being abusive and not making comments with no relevance to the question whatsoever.


Who would like to tell me if "micro" waves obviously very tiny, are in fact longer than visile light?

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Was I right about the radiation?

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In a microwave?🤣

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Why Do People Clean The Inside Of Microwave Ovens?

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