First attempt at courgettes, and I am wondering if I have to remove the male flowers as we used to do with cucumbers. Any advice will be appreciated. Many thanks.
Hi sixpence, no there is no need to remove any flowers, courgettes are easy and rewarding to grow. Occasionally you may get one go soft on the blossom end, just remove it there will be plenty more. They need picking regularly or they will turn into marrows, still if that happens you can always eat the marrows! Good luck with them. H.
Thanks for your help. horty, I'm glad that I can leave the flowers as they are so nice to look at. The first courgettes are now a couple of inches long, so we shall be eating soon.
Goofy, not sure I shall do that. I've read that it is served in restaurants, but don't think I could fiddle about like that. Have you ever eaten them ?
No, I don't bother to remove the male flowers on my courgettes. Pick them when they're about three inches long to enjoy them at their best. At this point they're tender enough to eat raw in salads and you can rarely buy them in supermarkets at this size without paying a fortune for them.