When you go in, you should be checked in against an Inventory, which is a list of the furniture (if furnished) and fixtures, and fittings white goods etc. and the condition thereof. You should have this when you go in and you need to check it thoroughly giving any comments that you do not agree with at the time, i.e. it may say washing machine (brand new) but it could have a small dent on it. You MUST check this. It doesn't hurt to take a video camera with you either, it may sound silly but if your video camera has a date on it, you can record anything that has a mark and that is not written down. You must also check the wording on your Tenancy Agreement about deposits and providing you stick to the terms of your agreement, you should be ok. Deposits are not given back sometimes when people do not fulfil the last part of their rent or do not clean the property to the standard it was when they went in. Again check the level of cleanliness when you go in and ensure you leave it the same. There! painless!