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Tshirt printing

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sherby | 19:44 Fri 09th Jan 2004 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
How can I print things on to t-shirts myself, without having to go to a printer? I used some special paper thing, that you could design on the computer, print off, then iron on, but it only lasted one wear, cause when I put it in the wash, it started to come off. Any permanent solution? What is it that designers etc use?


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It shouldn't have come off if you followed the instructions, I did my mum a swatshirt with our dog on it 5 tears ago and the picture is still intact but it needs careful washing. there is some other stuff that you can get called Photomagic (QVC have it ) that transfers photos and printed images onto fabric. cost 18.17plus p and p
sory about the typos, its sunday morning
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