My daughter has been growing some lettuce seeds on the window sill. They now resemble a small pot of herbs like you might buy in the supermarket. Any ideas what to do now. It is hard to see where the leaves end and begin, are they all separate??
Thin them out and repot them in a larger container or in the garden . Lettuces are best started off in a flat seed tray rather than a pot . They will grow too densely in a small pot so you can't see the wood for the trees so to speak ! You need to sow the seed very thinly to start with then as they grow on you can thin,repot or plant out and then pick them and resow at intervals .That way you should have them right through the summer depending on the variety .
thanks shaney star. I will go to the root, where it is whiter stem and gently prise the leaves apart, is this what you mean? Then each one would have about 1 inch-long leaf to it? I can see what you mean, they should have been planted more thinly. I blame the Brownies, they did it! x
Did so earlier, they were all in a tangle though. I took the best and repotted by the sunflowers and being no Charlie Dimmock I gave them a good watering. They didn't look quite so healthy when I had finished though, I think I drowned the blighters.
I will be off to Tesco to buy an Iceburg, promply round to Brown Owl with it in order that we get the gardening badge.
Thanks for much needed help : )