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Cleaner wanted!!

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ladymuck | 19:22 Mon 26th Nov 2007 | Home & Garden
61 Answers
I go back to work full time in January after having a year off on maternity leave. I'm wanting a cleaner, I don't know anybody that has one & we've just moved house so don't really know anybody in the area. Does anybody have any suggestions on finding a trustworthy cleaner?


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Ok Cleversod, I am a lazy, unworthy, poor excuse for a woman, who works 40 - 46 hours every week, who just happens to resent anything else that takes anymore time away from enjoying her family and believes, because of people like you, that it is not acceptable to get a cleaner/accept help.

You make it sound so easy � Fancy a job? On second thoughts, if that is how you do it, I would end up having to clean again immediately after you had left.

Btw � you didn�t say if your daughter also works full-time?
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We work, we do the housework ('houswork' covering all aspects of running the home) as do most of us, but can I just ask though, WHY do we do it?

I don't only resent the 'housework' - I resent anything, and probably everthing, that takes time away from me spending it with my daughter - which is time you can never get back - I will, more than likely, change my views when she is older.

Anyway, Cleversod, I am off to bed - thanks for the chat!

Sorry for hijacking your thread Ladymuck!
Cleversod - if you work more than 46 hours a week then doesn't sound like you have much time for cleaning - so you may do it it yourself, but I bet your house isn't f'ing clean! I don't work, but I do have a cleaner and an ironing lady, they do a fab job and allow me to get on with the more important things in life.
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My thoughts entirely wotsits & toby99. I bet cleversod's& his daughters house is minging!! Especially if he thinks cleaning just involves plugging an hoover in!!
Precisely - why have a dog and bark yourself. I have complete confidence in my cleaner, she does a fantastic job which means I don't have to lift any of my perfectly manicured fingers.
cleversod- I have a broken back. I don't have any children- I couldn't have. I am not the author of this question. I have a cleaner because I have a broken back. Read who the author is before retorting with your ridiculous statements.
Well after reading these posts, i go with cleversod, you are all bone idle, i bet all of you just like to bragg to every one you meet that you have a cleaner.
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I could think of better things to brag about than a cleaner!!
Wotsits and Ladymuck - I coudn't agree more! We should start a club!!
can i just say, do it! My relationship with my husband was so much better when we had a cleaner - there was no pointless bickering at the weekends about who was going to do what - we had time to go out together . What took my cleaners two hours would have taken me half the day so it made sense to me to get them to do it. Plus of course i was investing in the infrastructure of my village, helping to provide a wage to local people, so really it was almost charity on my part!
i forgot to say i found mine by a card they had placed in the window of the village shop. We rang up another of their clients for a reference before they started
Excellent, bednobs! You can join the club as well.
ffs there is nothing wrong in having a cleaner
actually mine is coming tomorrow so happy days!! can spend time with my baby instead of cleaning!!!
or coming on AB of course!!!! lol
Why have you left your prime position on "fan club"??!!!!! ha ha ha!
was following you my little ice and wondering where you got to sneaking away..... lol xx
So LADYMUCK you want a cleaner you can trust, sing and dance and all that jazz but you can think of better things to brag about, so that tells me you don't think a lot about your cleaners HE scum are they to you?? LADY FRUCK
calm your liver trev........
OH and i see bednobs found his scivey in the village shop .HOW POSH you are.

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