This is one for all you gardeners out there... its my first attempt at growing cabbage and caullies really, and its about 6 weeks since I planted them in the greenhouse. However they are about 7in high but both cabbage and caullies don't appear to be getting a heart. I have heard of this problem, but I don't know what I v'e done wrong Are they doomed?? I' ll be really diappointed if they are
As you planted them about the start of May, they both sound to be autumn/winter varieties, so they won`t be ready until September or October or even later.They want planting out in the next couple of weeks. Observe the spacing instructions & water well if we actually have a summer this year!
Thanks Brooksy. I've planted some in my flowerbed in my yard and covered them with net. (In previous years they've been masacred by cabbage white caterpillers) I'm keeping my fingers crossed.