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Here is the recipe;I WAS GIVEN
1 litre of boiling water (hot tap water
will also work but not
quite as well)
5 tablespoons vinegar
6 tablespoons salt (regular table salt)
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons dishwasher(machine) detergent
to make a gallon multiply by 4
Natural Weed Killers are simple substances with a direct and
obvious action. They destroy plant life for a short period.
They are substances encountered naturally but in small
quantities. Their presence is well-known and normally not
harmful. But when applied in larger doses the results are
usually obvious in a very short time.
As always these methods need due caution. But they act at
the point they are used. After treatment their damaging
effect is dissipated.
Artificial Weed Killers (Herbicides)
These are more complex 'man-made' materials with indirect
and subtle activity. They have no natural occurrence. They
effect the biochemical processes of growing plants from
within. Examples of these are 2 4 D, Atrazine, Glyphosate,
Clopyralid. They may be described as organic by chemists,
but are banned in organic gardening.
As they are not produced naturally, organisms are not
adapted to their presence and we do not know the full
effects of releasing them into the environment