We got married last year - as we had lived together for 6 years previously we didn't want the usual things - we said that we just wanted booze (and gave them a list) having said that we had a small wedding.
Traditional lists include pretty much everything you need to set up home from bath owels through to crockery.
There really are no rules though. Friends of ours got married just before emigrating so they asked for cash.
Most shopss (Argos or John Lweis or Debenhams - depends on your "social standing" and your friends)have compiled lists (which you tailor) and have stores in most towns. This makes it easy so that guests don't buy the same things
We had friends who are craftspeople make us beautiful expensive things that we'd never be able to afford ourselves (one made our dining room table and chairs; another made our gorgeous fancy dishes), and had them be our registries (so our friends would buy one plate, or one chair, or they'd go in together on something - whatever they could afford).
But we also had been living together for years and didn't need the usual toasters and towels.