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Cat poo

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midagetrolop | 14:56 Fri 15th May 2009 | Home & Garden
32 Answers
My neighbour has about 10 cats and they use my garden and another neighbours as their toilet - she says they don't , but we have seen them frequently. If I send it back it is an offence?


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I would buy a mega-pack of chili powder from the asian grocers and sprinkle it around, refresh after rain. I'm not sure where the law stands but do you really want to handle cat cr@p?
Have a word with environmental health down the council and let them handle it. Literally.
Maybe you can use a product which will deter them from wanting to use your garden as a loo. If you have small children, this filthy habit could put them at risk from Toxoplasmosis.
take pics so you have evidence and confront her, tellher you will contact environ agency if she doesn't do anything about it.

ok i only have the one cat but she has a litter tray (and uses it!!!) so just goes out to bimble about and wind up the neighbours dogs.
i meant take pics of the cats in your garden, not of the poo
my neighbours cat comes in my garden, digs up my flowers and then goes for a poo. It winds me up no end as I buy new flowers (garden centres aren't cheap) and keep my garden nice looking. I may try the chilli powder idea!
I use my dads trusty method. Used teabags with Olbas Oil on them. Place where the cat does its biz! Works for me and the problem I had has now gone.
Wonder why they never want to sh*t in their own back yards? Bet your neighbour's house is really smelly with all those cats.
Don't know about midagetrolop but my neighbours paved their whole backgarden so they come in mine. I saw a third different cat peeing against my tree too the other day like it was marking territory
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Thanks everybody - I would need lot of chilli powder I have nearly 1/2 an acre . She used to have sixteen cats at one time - she says she knows where hers poo , they have climbed on my car and scratched it, they even come in my house if I leave a door open - they are her babies she says. I have had the ultrasoni devices - three of them - they only work for about 18 months. Why do thses people not care about any body elses property, it is so anti-social to me to keep so many cats!
Lemons/Lemon peel or lots of cocktail sticks poked into the soil usually works (pricks their feet but doesnt cut them)

I used to live in a bit of a nasty area (not through my own choice i hasten to add) and i used to get dirty baby nappies flung into my back garden! Nice!!!

Environmental health won't do anything unless theres children involved unfortunately.

Hope i helped :)

Moonstone x
Also - just thought of something else - cats HATE tin foil, maybe dot some of it about? Make some attractive decorations or something? hehe

Moonstone x
I use a spray, bought at a garden centre and found it very effective.Cats now walk outside my garden and not through it. The only downside is I have to respray after rain
just as an aside my cat loves tin foil and can be happily occupied for ages with a bit of it!
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But is it an offence to send it back where it came from?
I would not advise on Chilli Powder as it can fly into your home with wind and will make you suffer if it gets to your eyes or nose.


Why not ask your neighbour to use nappies for her cats.
does your neighbour have her cats fitted with sat-nav, cos if she KNOWS where her cats poo then that's the only way she'd know surely?
i'm in 2 minds whether it's legal to give it back tho unless you can prove it was definitely one or more of her cats doing the deed.
What do you mean by "send it back?"
If you're thinking of posting it through her letterbox, then yes, that is an offence.
Get some pieces of cotton wool about the size of a marble and soak them in the juice from a tin of salmon or tuna and lob them around the garden.. It might not stop them immediately but it'll sure make 'em cough.
An eyesore solution BUT the woman at the back of us has lemonade bottles filled with water all round her garden. She says the cats see their reflections and run off.
I'd rather have the cat poo.
My 4 prefer our wheel barrows full of homemade compost!
Of course, then there's the fox poo and the hedghog poo on the grass but it's easy to scoop.

But is it an offence to send it back where it came from?

messy job and you would have to catch the darn cat first ;0)

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