Society & Culture1 min ago
Why is it wrong?
I was advised to take a look on this site because of the tips and queries answered here. My initial interest was in computers as I'd only just bought one and wanted to learn as much about them without it being too technical. I came across a letter recommending a piece of software but the writer was cricitised quite heavily firstly for writing in about the program when it had been covered before, then for recommending it in case it contained anything horrible. I had misgivings at the time, but it's taken this long to formulate them. Firstly, why is it wrong to recommend a piece of software? Personally I'd WELCOME a recommendation. It wasn't a sly way of advertising as it was free. If those who criticised were concerned that it may contain anything nasty, no-one was holding a gun to their heads and as for it being mentioned before, so what? Does Sky News tell the headlines at 6am then keep quiet for the rest of the day? What about the people who have joined since this occasion, like me? Had it not been for his letter I wouldn't have known about it; I certainly don't go back over previous letters looking for items I didn't know existed in the first place. As it happens I'm glad I did as it rid me of a very annoying thingy, but that's beside the point. Since reading other letters on this subject it seems to be that heavy criticism is layed at the door for a friendly, altruistic act which can do no harm yet may be of benefit to others. Are those concerned worried about someone encroaching on territory they considered to be their own? Isn't this a forum where views are discussed? So they might be wrong, as I may be but I don't think that level of behaviour is warranted or desired and shouldn't be accepted or tolerated. If this is the level of friendliness anonymous computing can generate I think I'll disconnect myself from the net.
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I got the same agro that you mentioned when i first joined about 3 weeks ago.
here's a few tips so that people don't give you agro:
~if you have a question search for it first so that you don't repost a question.
~make sure jokes are funny if you are going to post any.
~if your internet is slow and your a fast typer, make sure all of your answer gets posted else it may sound like your the same person as the questioner so be careful to make sure the page has loaded and you have clicked on the answer box properly. (this happened to me and nix-j-c and we don't know how to prove that we are notthe same person)
~ make sure you spell things correctly and use proper grammar else people tell you off.
I got the same agro that you mentioned when i first joined about 3 weeks ago.
here's a few tips so that people don't give you agro:
~if you have a question search for it first so that you don't repost a question.
~make sure jokes are funny if you are going to post any.
~if your internet is slow and your a fast typer, make sure all of your answer gets posted else it may sound like your the same person as the questioner so be careful to make sure the page has loaded and you have clicked on the answer box properly. (this happened to me and nix-j-c and we don't know how to prove that we are notthe same person)
~ make sure you spell things correctly and use proper grammar else people tell you off.
So, it would seem that those so quick to criticise and condemn are now dragging their feet when it comes to explaining why. If nothing else this shows that those responsible may have loud voices but very little substance or guts when it comes to someone challenging their self importance and over-inflated egos.
Wow; never thought I had it in me!
Wow; never thought I had it in me!
I have had a lot of help from people in this section.
Most people on here will do their best to help.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are not vital but the clearer you state your problem the more likely you are to get a correct answer.
If you browse around some other sections on AB you will see many postings for which 'gibberish' is a very charitable description
I have had a lot of help from people in this section.
Most people on here will do their best to help.
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are not vital but the clearer you state your problem the more likely you are to get a correct answer.
If you browse around some other sections on AB you will see many postings for which 'gibberish' is a very charitable description
Yes, I'm sure there are Scotman, and if things are the way you describe then I've no problem. The things that really get up nose are rudeness, hostility, especially when it's unnecessary hostility and internet cowardice. None of us are perfect, none less so than me, but surely we can raise our sights above the shortcomings of others? The contributors I'm talking about are really nasty. If everyone else is as fair minded as you Scotman we'll be ok.
Hi lizziebet welcome to all the sites on Answerbank I found your comments very interesting & I say to you don't be put off by the few nasties you'll see,the majority are great people,I'm 84 years old & have only been computing for 3 years & honestly I have been helped considerably & have learned a lot from these very kind A/B ers. Ron.
Thanks for the reply.
As a further comment, I also have no problem with anyone recommending software. At the end of the day it will be my choice whether I accept the recommendation.
Most people here will provide names of various packages relating to protecting your own computer etc. which are available free(AdAware, SpyBot etc. etc.).
Blatant advertising is frowned upon and does not happen often.
As a personal comment can I suggest you avoid Chatterbank, it is a total waste of pixels, time and electricity.
As a further comment, I also have no problem with anyone recommending software. At the end of the day it will be my choice whether I accept the recommendation.
Most people here will provide names of various packages relating to protecting your own computer etc. which are available free(AdAware, SpyBot etc. etc.).
Blatant advertising is frowned upon and does not happen often.
As a personal comment can I suggest you avoid Chatterbank, it is a total waste of pixels, time and electricity.
Hi lizziebet. I have over the years visited many forum sites and I can assure you that here at Answerbank we definitely have a better class of nutters. Every forum site has the odd member that regularly takes pleasure in trying to belittle others. Someone may have had a bad day. Often, what appears as criticism is actual intended as helpful advice. You are bound to run into a disagreeable situation at some time or another, just ignore it or react as you see fit. Don�t let it bother you. The vast majority here are considerate everyday people and as in real life, not everyone has the same opinion but that doesn�t mean you should fall out with them. Hope you have a long stay.
What a wonderful welcome. Thank you everyone. Although I'm new here, I really feel as if I've come home - doesn't that sound silly? I totally agree with everything you've all either said or implied and wildwood, I'm pleased to hear this forum is full of nutters, I'll try hard to maintain this high level of insanity.
Welcome lizzie. I think you've hit the nail right on the head. I notice that those responsible are noticeable by their absence. They've responded to all the other posts in this section, except this one. They must've read it to know to keep their heads down. Not only are they nasty, they're nasty cowards.
I've had a quick look for it but they must've withdrawn it, not surprisingly.
Some chap wrote in recommending a free program to rid systems of trojans but was reticent to give the name as he was unsure of the reception he'd get. Firstly he was jumped on for even thinking of doing such a thing, then again by another cronie for not saying what it was, then later by another one FOR saying what it was. Their continual submissions and houndings just had to be read to be believed.
Apparently it'd been recommended before, but why all this was an issue I really can't say. But there was certainly no need for the hostility it created.
Some chap wrote in recommending a free program to rid systems of trojans but was reticent to give the name as he was unsure of the reception he'd get. Firstly he was jumped on for even thinking of doing such a thing, then again by another cronie for not saying what it was, then later by another one FOR saying what it was. Their continual submissions and houndings just had to be read to be believed.
Apparently it'd been recommended before, but why all this was an issue I really can't say. But there was certainly no need for the hostility it created.
I got a new laptop for my birthday so ive been reading everything in technology and computers so I think i now whitch one you are talking about
the one about trojans
I found it very confusing i think the bloke mrs slippy is talking about was the one that said hed found a program
but he wudnt say what it was called actehtroll kept asking what it was because he seemed bothered that it might be bad software (ive read about theses in magazines)
and this lewpaper bloke got realy uppity and wierd
like i said ive been reading stuff here for a month and a bit and ive only seen a cuple of sarky remarks from troll and some of the others so it must be this other bloke you mean cause ive not seen him here before
mrs slippy im like catron I want to see some other posts to make up my mind
if these cowards are as bad as you say their must be some others you can show us and i want to be a bit careful if thats how it is
the one about trojans
I found it very confusing i think the bloke mrs slippy is talking about was the one that said hed found a program
but he wudnt say what it was called actehtroll kept asking what it was because he seemed bothered that it might be bad software (ive read about theses in magazines)
and this lewpaper bloke got realy uppity and wierd
like i said ive been reading stuff here for a month and a bit and ive only seen a cuple of sarky remarks from troll and some of the others so it must be this other bloke you mean cause ive not seen him here before
mrs slippy im like catron I want to see some other posts to make up my mind
if these cowards are as bad as you say their must be some others you can show us and i want to be a bit careful if thats how it is
I asked you or mrs.slippy a easy question on tuesday about what you were both talking about
and still there is no answer
in your answers you said
it would seem that those so quick to criticise and condemn are now dragging their feet when it comes to explaining why
They mustve read it to know to keep their heads down. Not only are they nasty, they're nasty cowards.
you wont answer my question are you now keeping ypour head down?
I asked you or mrs.slippy a easy question on tuesday about what you were both talking about
and still there is no answer
in your answers you said
it would seem that those so quick to criticise and condemn are now dragging their feet when it comes to explaining why
They mustve read it to know to keep their heads down. Not only are they nasty, they're nasty cowards.
you wont answer my question are you now keeping ypour head down?