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agricultural restriction

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liskeardgirl | 15:19 Thu 23rd Jul 2009 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
can i rent a property with a agri; restricion on it., or purchase the property.


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Such properties have what is known as an 'agricultural occupancy restriction' on them. It means that the occupier must be employed within the agricultural or forestry industry or be retired from those industries.
So, no you can't buy or rent such na property unless you work in that industry.
I am more familar with the pitfalls of owning such a property. I suspect if you rented, it might be quite hard for the planning authority to find out the lack of compliance - and neither am I am sure of any penalty - apart from eviction.
You can rent and buy agricultural properties/land without being in the industry as they are all subject to council tax. That wasn't so in earlier years as they had very low rateable value.

Agricultural land is known as 'brown land' and could not be developed on but that changes according to Gov demand, ie huge development planned in Herts. Googled: ousing.asp
Tamborine, you are off the mark on this one.
This lady is referring to properties that have an agricultural restriction on their planning consent. It isn't anything to do with buying agricultural land or council tax.
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thankyou builder and tamborine for your answers, they are very helpful.liskeardgirl

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