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pump up mattress

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annieigma | 17:08 Sun 28th Aug 2011 | How it Works
2 Answers
i have 2 double and one single pump up mattresses for guests, and they all go soft overnight. has anyone actually bought one that stays pumped up for more than a day? one of mine was a cheapo, but the other double is an expensive one from the argos book, I did expect better.


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I got one from tesco last year and like you say - rubbish. I read the small print on the box and it said something about the ambient temperature needing to saty above 12 degrees - or some such nonesense.
The ones from camping specialists don't go down on their own - I've had a good double mattress for ages that didn't cost the earth. And doesn't go down.
I got an Argos one recently that was 9.99 (single) and reduced to 7.99. It seems to be fine and I have used it 3 times when babysitting for my daughter. It has a very good but simple valve in it, so even when you open it the air cannot come back out until you remove the cap completely.

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