The problem is not the "social cleansing" issue but the stupid situation where we having thousands of people on housing benefit, taking money out of the benefit "pot" to give them somewhere to live.
I know they may not all be immigrants or from ethnic families, but we have allowed thousands of immigrants into this country in the last couple of decades, who cant speak English and have no skils to offer, and many of them settle in these inner city areas.
And of course these immigrants join the already indiginous population in these inner cities, many of whom can't speak English and have no skills to offer either.
If you own a business, and you want to employ someone, you ask for a CV, you ask them to come to an interview, and then you select the people you want to join your company. This keeps the quality of the people in your company high.
But we have not done the same to this country. This country is like a "company" and you should select only the people who are going to benefit you to come to live here.
Living in this country is a huge plus and must be worth thousands a year to a person, compared to say living in much of Africa or India.
But we seem to have let anyone and everyone in, thus adding to the people at the lower end of society who have nothing to offer at all.
Instead of this country improving its stock of people and skills we have watered it down so we now have hundreds of thousands of people who have come to live here who are now a drain on society.
We could and should have handled it so much better.