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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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trying to be sunny here, normal interior service has resumed (still waiting for the prunes to plan their Great Escape), I may even leave the house today but no promises. There's a lot of fluff in the air, from poplars I think, and it's making OH sneeze all the time.
I read through all your postings yesterday :o). I wish you all well, especially poor jno. I have had a lot of trouble recently with a particular part of my anatomy, although no excrutiating pain. Am having a camera job in a couple of weeks, but specialist strongly feels it will show nothing untoward and will be extremely surprised if it does. He is having it done to put my mind at rest. Am not worried about it now which has already made me feel a lot better. IBS has a lot to answer for including heaps!!

Jno - I have been sneezing non stop for about a week now and both Mr LL, Master LL and I have constant sore throats, ear aches, headaches. We are not ill and are putting it down to the pollen, which apparently at the moment is the worse it has been in years.

I am off to be 'coloured' at the hairdressers today. It is extremely muggy here.
Good morning all. Brother has goneout for the day and wont be back until after midnight as he has to come from Buxton after he's been to a show.
I'm busy printing out the football fixture list for nextseason for The Rams.
It's a lovely dayand I hope it stays good for tomorrow as I'm off for a long walk again with my 'walking friend'.
School this afternoon for acouple of hours.
Yes Woofyit was lovely sitting listening to the guitar being played last night. He play some lovely melodies then a bit of Jazz which I could join in with and one of my favourites. 'Don't think twice it's alright' à la Bob Dylan.
Going to fill up the Birdseeds now. The sparrows and starlings and pigeons are my only visitors.The blackbirds only come now and again. Sadly.

Have a good day all. Laters 'gaters
I'm pleased Lottie that you're feeling better x
I know, Lottie, I always hoped to have cameras on me - not in me.

"I'm ready for my close-up now, Mr DeMille."
Oh had to restart lappy as I couldn't post and I've been good!

Had so much energy today, finally got hija to help me turn the king sized mattress, just cannot do it on my own anymore, put on clean mattress cover and pillow protectors, and clean sheets, hot washed hija's white work polo shirts, all bright and blowing in the breeze, very British even got a prop to hold up a long washing line at the side of the house, the neighbours think I am weird, they don't do "props". Then I hoovered the mattress (first of course,) then decided I had better hoover through the house, I felt so dizzy, had to lie on the bed for a few mins before I could continue. Then did some handwashing. It's a lovely day here, hot, but there is a fresh breeze.
Obviously did not get my lazy day!!!
It's dull and humid here .All I've done so far is make a victoria sponge .
Hope you are all Ok .I had an email from my farmer at the market this morning Jno.
Apple juice is the answer to all your problems apparently .Very good for when you can't go !.
good morning, another muggy day here but nice and quiet. Dogs are - guess what - asleep!! I am waiting to move my phone number to my new phone. You do it online via a live chat window and I am in the much better than the old system....and I had to break off in the middle of this to finish..
I love live chat windows, I had a query with Ryanair last month and it is so much easier to explain by typing and they answering, all sorted for free.

Just done a huge pile of ironing, I never have much to do in the winter, thanks to the tumble drier, but Mr N wears so many polo shirts and shorts with outside pockets, takes ages!! I always iron hija's bedding.

I've done a jno, didn't realise that I needed too, but feel better.

Would love to sunbathe and dip in the pool but I am so tired, am in bedroom with fan on having a cuppa. Hate the summer and it's not sweltering yet!!
Jude one of the original neighbours at the back played a flute or recorder or somesuch and it was so beautiful in the twilight to listen to it. Now all we get is techno!!
Do any of you remember Ralph Bates (Dear John?) well his mother-in-law just died, she was a great friend and lived here for yonks, she was one of the make-up artists for Cleopatra. His wife was Virginia Wetherell. He died in 1991 and we have a big golf comp to collect for cancer charity.
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Evenin all...sunny on and off, very humid though and that plays havoc with my digestion, I feel bloated's not unusual for me to be sluggish inbetween the hurried days but it's not very comfortable. I daren't complain to the doc, they send you for a camera up your flue for bloomin everything these days.

Yes neti, I remember Dear John, you can buy the entire series on dvd...but I don't think I'll be ordering it. :)

It's been a funny (and long) ole day.
Oh he was lovely Ralph Bates .He played George Warleggan in Poldark .
We had a blaze of sunshine earlier ,took the cover off the tete a tete went up and got my book and there it was gone :(
Yes I remember Ralph Bates too, a lovely square jaw. Its been a grey sticky day here and quite sneezly in the garden. Anyway i got the hose out and cleaned the fish filter and let Rab get lovely and wet and then showered all the dirt off.
it aint alf ot but its time for bed. Oight oight all.
Oight Oight Woofy and Biddyfriends everywhere. See you tomorrow when I get back from my walk.....x
oight oight friends,

Have to get up early tomorrow as we have an appointment in Ibiza to get our European medical card. Mr N still can't get the s/pool pump going, pool is getting filmy :-(

and so to bed.......
Good morning we are all in Ibiza town having brekkie as we are a bit early
9:07, that is uncommonly early for the Ibiza Ed to be out and about.

I had to get up because I put the rubbish out last night then suddenly remembered in bed I had all these shredded credit card bills still in a bin somewhere.

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