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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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ooh, clever you woofy, I bet you're right. I wouldn't want that pulling into the drive next door to me on a warm day, it was foul... or maybe fowl.

I've just had a mug of tommy soup shaney. It's trying to brighten up here but I've misplaced my get up and go.
It's probably where mine is Robinia got up and went ...I actually thought about getting that wretched sewing machine out earlier and having a fiddle with it .I have all these bright ideas in my head about what I'd like to sew but I haven't got a clue really .I even bought two books about sewing but it's all greek to me !
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Start simple shaney, something like cushion could practice with old sheets. There's no need to put zips in, make pillowcase openings.
I was useless at school, couldn't handle a machine and failed the exam. When I got married I bought an old Singer and slowly taught can be done! Even my sister can do it now and she didn't start until a couple of years ago.
3 series and a follow up? Wow! Actually I know the ending, as someone mentioned it years ago when I wasn't bothered. Apparently he jumps off the roof to stay in the past or somesuch!
My problem is I can't cut straight .Haha...
I found this massive tablecloth that was Ma in laws .God knows what size table she used to put it it on .It's huge .I think it was probably used for carnival party tables years ago .It's a lovely thing ( damask) but no use to me .I had the bright idea of cutting it up to make teatowels and sewing fancy edging on .
I measured it against another teatowel ,cut away merrily and totally b'd it up .
So I slung in it the bottom of the ironing basket .Out of sight out of mind .
I do ,however ,have a very neat and tidy sewing box :)
I love my sewing box. It was my Big Sis's (Sis who visits) when she was a child around 60 years ago. I repainted it and put decoupage on it when I received it. Its got real useful sewing stuff in it but also a lovely jumble of really old bits and pieces, button hooks, a little awl for making Broderie Anglaise, ribbon threaders for putting ribbon through lace, button hole scissors and so on that i have inherited from my Mum and her mum and DH's Nan.
Right now it isn't getting much use, I do more indoor stuff in the winter.
I have just finished my final round of repotting the stuff I am growing on, trees and shrubs, to plant out in the garden in a few years. I have one more trough to place and fill then that's it for this year maybe. In the autumn I need to get a tree man in but that's no effort on my part.
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phew it's hoomid out there...I've been transplanting seedlings. I bought a pkt of that flower magic, sprinkled it in a tub and lots have come up, so I'm thinning them out into other tubs. If they all turn out to be pot marigolds I want my money back, I already get those for free.

lol shaney, can't Mr s do the cutting for you, men are supposed to be geometrically minded aren't they?
Neit, that's not the ultimate end, you have to watch all of Ashes to Ashes to get to the really truly end.
Eternal Law was pretty good as well, Sam West (Timothy's son) makes a yummy angel.
it got chopped after one series which i think was a huge mistake.
Mr S is left handed Robinia .Watching him trying to cut anything is painful :)
My sewing box was inherited from one of the ancient maiden aunts .
It's a hand made wooden box inscribed on the bottom ...with kind thoughts on your 30th birthday.June 3rd 1928. It's got a lock and key and when you lift the lid ,inside in the lid are rods that slide out to put cotton reels on and lots of little compartments and trays.
I love anything that like which I can fiddle about with :)
My sewing box is a plastic tool box, and I couldn't do without it. It opens out so I can see everything, all neatly in it's little compartments. Well that is the theory, in fact it's a dreadful mess, cottons all tangled together, old bits of zips, and needles and pins everywhere and not in the little compartments, but I use it regularly and can eventually find what I am looking for. For some reason I always keep the odds and ends and scraps that really need throwing away. Will tidy it up soon!
Oh good woofy, so I do not know the ending, hope it's a nice one! comment.......
And no woody, wasn't in use when I stood on the needle, hadn't been used for a couple of weeks .
Me too Shaney (things to fiddle with) When I was little it was my mother's button tin then her sewing box when i could be trusted with sharp things. When my Mum got old, she and i would sit together and go through all her jewellery. She couldn't wear much of it any more and it was not expensive stuff but she used to like to handle it and talk about where it had come from. Us daughters each have some pieces and I have some put away for her great grand daughters
Neti......when did you last vacuum????? (runs away)
Yesterday and the day before I trod on the needle, Henry seems to have gotten very heavy lately, but believe me he would have sucked it up cos when I emptied him yesterday there was even a full sized Bic in his bag and it came out in one piece and is working! But there was also, apart from the needle, a piece of plastic about 1" long and a metal thing about 3" long and half " wide, we have absolutely no idea!
I've always had a thing for stuff like that woofy .Whenever I see these ,needlework boxes,dressing cases,portable writing boxes etc on antiques programmes I ooh and aah .Ridiculous really .And I can never walk past a stationery shop or department . I can spend ages just choosing a notebook :)
I keep drooling over writing boxes on ebay, and yes, i love to buy notebooks and paper as well.
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Most of my sewing stuff is scattered about...some in an old basket I had when I was 21, and various tins, some older than me, and a drawer full of who knows what. I really should sort it. I love boxes with compartments, especially jewllery boxes.
lol shaney, me and my sister are in heaven in stationery, anything from paper clips to hole's better than drugs, haha...maybe it's because we appreciated a posh notebook or a letter writing wallet as a child.
notebooks... looxury. My dad used to bring scraps of notepaper home from work, for us to draw on. We did have letter pads and exercise books, of course, but they were expensive and definitely not to be used for doodling on. That and the fact that chicken was a luxury meal are two of the great changes in the 150 years since I were a nipper.

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