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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
1777 Answers
Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Ha Ha Has Heee hee hee!!! That's me laughin out loud !!

Oight Oight Biddyfriends....x
oight oight to Bodgit Boshit and Scarper and the biddy DIY squad.
Well I never.....

Oight oight x
Good morning, reading through now. From a quick peruse - Chin up Robinia, I know exactly how you must feel. Hope you perk up very soon. Jude is still darting about here and there - don't know how you do it Jude, please let me know your secret. Jno is still flitting off following hot weather around the Globe. Woofy's boys are still keeping her busy and Neti, well what can I say!! Neti is Neti - one of a kind. And dear Shaney soldiers on!!

Am now going to catch up from where I left off last night. xx
Am confused by all the muddled names. I won't go into Russian names - that is far too complicated, because apart from all the palaver of taking fathers names as middle names but being ova or ovitch according to gender they take on a sort of nickname. If you ever read Russian novels they usually have a list of names with it's variations because everybody calls everybody else something different. Mr LL's middle name is Alexander - he dropped the 'ovitch'. His sisters middle name is Alexandrova.
Good morning lottie, my you are up early! (neti is one of a kind ?

Mr N has just gone with my car, I was a tad worried that he was going to adk me to take it, so I've been hobbling about saying "ouch my feet hurt" but dear man didn't say a thing.

Really not as hot this year ,so far, normally I'd be swimming at night but no need yet.

Hope Robi is feeling better and the rest of you are fine.
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Morning all...wet, cold and dismal here. Good news is I slept so hopefully I might start to feel human some time hopefully soon...bad news is I must have slept awkwardly 'cos I've got a really siff neck and shoulder...and stuffed sinuses. hey ho. still dizzy, one false move etc. Luckily I've got a few stemetil in or I'd never be able to stay upright. I wonder if the nurse will do a prescription (and send it to boots) without having to go to the surgery?

Gripes for the day...
1. I wish the binmen would put the bin back where they found it...grrr
2. Can anyone decipher bills these days? Some things on it you're paying in advance, the rest is as you go. And then they say any credit owing to you will be paid on the next bill. So, if they know you're owed something, why not now?!!
3. please add your own here

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'siff neck'??!...
I meant 'Neti is a one off'. Sorry. I am usually up about 7.00 am Neti - sometimes earlier. However, on off-days I go back to bed for a while. Oh, and I am often up at about 5.00 to let Megs out and then I do go back to bed.

Robi, this weather has completely done my sinuses in - combined with hayfever it is driving me mad. Bad head, ears, eyes - bad everything.

Am off out to lunch with a couple of friends, so now have to make an effort to look something like respectable!!
good morning all..."dogs keep me busy", thats an understatement, they both rolled in poo this morning so I had to do big scrub offs with babywipes at 5.30 am when we got home.
I dreamed this morning that there were fire engines with sirens nearby and have woken up to a strong smell of old smoke, so I guess that part of my dream was true for some poor souls....speaking of poor souls, I see one of them is suspended again having only been reinstated yesterday i wonder if that's a record?
who woofy?

Car needs 2 new tyres
glad Mr N did it and not me, taking it to garage on Monday to get the tyres fitted then back to the ITV (MOT) centre so they see it has been done, very strict here they are, the drivers may be crap but by 'eck the cars are safe!!!

Warmish here but certainly not as hot as usual, so am happy, mind you it will heat up soon.

Oh woofy, dogs in poo, that would make me vomit, I remember when hija was two and we were walking church, she fell into some poo, we had to go back home and bath her.
we discussed it on FB....maybe I dreamed about the return....thread discussing it has gone too. Everywhere stinks of smoke here and its making me sneeeze but its too hot to close the doors and windows.
Hello all
Same old dreary cloudy weather to go with my dreary cloudy head .
Hope you are all Ok though.
My gripes for today
1.I ache
2 I'm bunged up with sinus
3 I've broken a fingernail.
But on the bright side ,the new dishwasher has arrived .Thank goodness.I cooked a gravy dinner yesterday and then had to wash the whole lot up .As I use every pot ,pan ,plate etc in the house whilst cooking anything this was a marathon exercise.Hopefully it'll get plumbed in this evening if not it'll be paper plates and sandwiches :)
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Oh dear, it's that saying isn't it, 'sh1t happens'
Someone round here burns something indoors on a regular basis that stinks, either cheap fuel or they throw dodgy rubbish on it..definitely not a bonfire smell. Someone local did it some years ago ago and tarred up their chimney so bad it took major cleaning work to make it safe.

That was quick delivery shaney. Washing pots never bothered me, even when there was all of us having big dinners and puddings (OH never did them) there's only me I hate doing them. Mind you it takes almost as many pots to cook for one as four. I haven't really got space for a dishwasher though..there's a lot to be said for ping dinners.

Still dreary here, hope there's some good tennis today. I've been watching daytime tv ...I know...Bradley Walsh was on. Don't you just love him, he's so funny and loveable.
Agree Robi Bradley Walsh is lovely, good looking, amusing, bet he is a wonderful hubby (deep sigh)
Yes ..I was very impressed .From Appliances on line .Ordered it on Wednesday evening and it came dead on the button this morning .For an extra tenner they took the old one away. I can't complain really ,the other one did 12 years duty .
I've got used to having a dishwasher now and my back hurts standing over the sink for any length of time .
It's piddling with rain here .I've just caught up with The Americans so can watch in sequence from now on .
I got my washing machine from appliances online. it was the best price as well as excellent service.
I wrote a long post and it disappeared, can't be bothered. Basically Mr N disappeared all pm and I was convinced he would come home "in his cups" which he can't cope with! but no, he bought the new tyres and went back to the MOT centre and it passed, thinking ill of him, I did not cook any dinner, but have just knocked up a chilli con carne and rice.

Hija forgot her uniform so I got an urgent message to trot down to work with it, even more fuming as Mr N had the car I had to change my clothes (mini dress OK in car not for walking in public) she met me half way.

The Mr N and I settled down to watch Brendan's etc and the doorbell went, the doorbell never ever goes, so I had to find my shoes and trot down to the lane where our gate is (and the doorbell) it was the satellite man wanting his yearly fee for doing rock all, so I told him to come back on Monday, wasn't trotting back to the house, so I opened the gate so aforesaid chappie could turn his car round, lane being too narrow, and mousey got in the way, so I picked her up and when car went past she panicked and scratched my right nipple through the dress right across, it is soo painful. Be glad to get to bed and start again tomorrow.
^^^ oh look, I bothered!!!!
lol Neti wear a bra!!. I have done loads of cleaning and tidying today and the house looks better for it. Dogs have been helping lol.

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