making letters bigger in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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making letters bigger

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starone | 21:23 Sat 24th Nov 2012 | How it Works
17 Answers
Some time ago someone here told me how to make the lettering bigger on this computer so that I could read it more easily but unfortunately I have forgotten how to do it. Would some clever person tell me please. Also unfortunately I cannot remember who it was that helped me at the time or I could go direct so to speak (tee-hee I sound like an advert).
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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If you want everything to look bigger (e.g. your desktop) the easiest way is often to simply drop the screen resolution down a bit.

Right-click on your desktop. Select 'Properties' and then the 'Settings' tab. Move the screen resolution slider a bit to the left. Click 'Apply' and 'OK'. (Don't worry when your screen goes blank for a few moments - it's...
21:33 Sat 24th Nov 2012
Assuming you mean on web pages, hold down CTRL and use + and - or your mouse wheel.
you can zoom in the whole screen by pressing ctrl +

or go to control panel > appearance, and change the font size there
depending on your version of windows, it may be under personalisation or display
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Thanks chuck and joko. I knew it was something fairly easy, but am not good at technical stuff. Will try that immediately.
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Success!!! This is great. Thank you very, very much.
Try changing the figure at the bottom right where it says 100% - can increase up to to 150%
the control panel one, just changes the size of text, not the images etc... and doesnt work for all pieces of text
Or if in IE press View above and choose your text size.
If you want everything to look bigger (e.g. your desktop) the easiest way is often to simply drop the screen resolution down a bit.

Right-click on your desktop. Select 'Properties' and then the 'Settings' tab. Move the screen resolution slider a bit to the left. Click 'Apply' and 'OK'. (Don't worry when your screen goes blank for a few moments - it's normal!)

Bottom right, above the time it shows 100% click on it and increase to whatever you want
Your suggestion Sibton is the best of the bunch
not all screens have that though pdq...
Press the Ctrl Key at the same time as the +/= key, repeat until type is large enough
While we are asking techies - can someone remind me how I can get a musical note double crochet using the Alt and numeric key pad please, used to know but forgot, thanks.
Thanks Chuck - very useful, you always have a good answer for us . :)
Or if you have a laptop like mine where you can't do the alt codes at all, then you can use this page, just click the symbol you want then copy and paste it.


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