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I Deleted My Child Programme From Sky +

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phleb | 22:27 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | How it Works
7 Answers
by mistake, the child is furious. Can i recover this?


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If it's a new box I think you can but if not, I'm afraid you're up the proverbial.
Could you find the programme on the internet anywhere?
Tell us what it is and we'll have a look for a catchup or a streaming of it.
If you've got Sky HD, go on to your planner and run across the bit that says All, Entertain, Docs, etc, keep going until you hit Deleted, there will be a list of what you deleted for the last week or so, you can then reinstate it.
Well I never knew that - thanks Rocky
That's what I said rr..... Sort of.
You can also watch all the catchups plus sky anytime through the sky box if its connected to your internet hub which need not be a sky one.
Lol, my kids showed me a couple of weeks ago.

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I Deleted My Child Programme From Sky +

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