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Smart Tv

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bluebird34 | 18:27 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | How it Works
3 Answers
I recently bought a smart tv complete with 3D capability. I tried some of the samples provided with the tv but find they keep stopping and the loading sign comes up. I s this because my internet connectiion is not fast enough and can I do anything about it please Janet


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What speed Internet do you have and who is the provider, as you say this maybe the problem.
That would be my guess. I'm not a Smart TV expert but can you use the broadband speed test sites from the TV ? Failng that, test your connection from your PC, see what you are getting.

You could try a faster broadband from your supplier, or swopping to one who offers faster.
going to be the speed. try going to google and typing in " namesco speedtest"
that will give an idea of the download speed, and if yours is less than 2mb (2000kbs) then it will probably not run the tv too well. if you have old telephone wiring and lots of sockets, it will be worthwhile plugging your computer directly into the test point inside the master socket and seeing what speed you get there, or, ask your neighbours what speed they get, and if its much faster than yours, post a message here and i will instruct you how to do the tests etc.
just a word of warning### if your neighbours speed is much faster than yours, do not call BT or whoever you pay your line rental to before making sure all your internal wiring is good, as BT will charge £130 to come out and £90 per hour if the fault is inside your property.

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