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Irate Daughter

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maggiebee | 21:33 Mon 28th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
150 Answers
Daughter wanted an electric sewing machine so I put an advert on Freegle. Very kind lady gave me one which I duly passed to my daughter. First time she tried to use it it went "bang" and fused everything in the house. Daughter not amused but hey, what do you get for nothing these days - apart from fused lights that is!!


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The whole thread is somewhat of a patchwork......
14:19 Tue 29th Oct 2013
That sounds like hard luck, not necessarily the donor's fault - I know people who've had very good stuff from our local version of Freegle.
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Agree boxy, I've had some great stuff from Freegle. Would have to happen when it was for my daughter lol
That's shocking, maggie

that is sew sew unlucky
Hopefully maggie is in stitches....
Hang on, I'm losing the thread here.
She will be needling you, shortly, tone.
Ah right, I've cottoned on now, DT.
I bet she was reely needled.
cross-stitched probably.....
Just keep bobbin' along :-)
Sounds far-fetched to me. Have you embroidered this story?
all part of the rich tapestry of life, I guess.
The tension on this thread is too, too much....x
I don't envy Maggie choosing best answer, what a witty bunch!
Darn, someone needs to knit all this together.....
Well there does seem to be a pattern developing doesn't there, Bquine?
No wonder your daughter has tension....
well somebody has to tailor something together to get maggie's daughter's machine going again...
Yes, can't blame her for being crotchety

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