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Credit And Debit Card Advice.

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gness | 18:51 Tue 04th Mar 2014 | How it Works
92 Answers
If I drill a tiny hole in the corner of a credit or debit card...the bit that doesn't go right into the machine would it cause any problem that you can think of?...

I'd like to chain them to my purse which is chained to my bag to save repeat journeys to shops where I've left them.

And yes I could become more aware and careful I know, but I doubt that is going to happen....☺


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I have a little credit card I also have it's mate I need to keep them chained 'cos I've been losing them of late The chains I use are massive The one would hold a bus I asked a mate to hold my cards The chain held both of us I think I have another way This little tale to tell Put both cards on the dog lead With the dog on there as well.
19:57 Tue 04th Mar 2014
definitely lol
Ron, oh what a novelty, I'm on my way!
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Give it to Psyb, Ron....she'll look after it for you....☺
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To get back to the point, have you drilled the hole, Gness?
Question Author my spare credit card which I will try before using the nice one...x
Please let us know how or if it works
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Dammit...I'll have to go and buy something....;-)
that's if you remember where you put it xx
a set of diamond tipped drill bits if i'm not mistaken
Now where did I put that chain?
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Oi!! It's on a sink plug chain now...chained to my purse which is chained to my bag which somewhere.... :-(
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It will be DIY for sure, Ael......x
Hello everyone!

Gness, a paper-hole puncher (the kind that looks like a pliers) might do a neater job than a drill. The hole's edge would be neat and smooth, and this might prevent the hole from ripping.
Have you tried talking to yourself, gness? I do that with things I forget to do.

'I have turned off my curling tongs. They are no longer switched on.'
'I have turned off the iron. It is not plugged in.'

You could try, 'I have put my card in the machine and I now need to take it out and put it back in my purse, which is chained to my handbag , which is on my shoulder.'
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Hi, Society.....I did wonder about that....I did it to my passport cover so that could be chained.....

I thought the card may be a bit brittle but now you've suggested it I'll have a go on a redundant card.....

How are you?....xx
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Hi, problem is I'm so busy talking to everyone else I get side tracked.....but I'll give it a go.....when I can hear myself again...thanks...x
I am very well, thank you for asking. I hope you are very well too. x

I have used the hole-puncher to make holes in cards made of same material as credit cards and it worked for me.
Gness, another way of producing an hole, you could heat up a pin or needle and put it through the card and then put an heated up nail through.
Just had a senior moment, grabbed my bag, checked, both cards are there. I did leave my nectar card behind once with c£100 on it. Today, queues in Sainsburys, a lovely lad said I'll take you through the self scan tills, I refused, he said I'll do it all then he pressed a button, which customers can't and we were out in a couple minutes

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