I came across an old cassette tape the other day, with a recording of me being interviewed on Radio 4. I enjoyed being reminded of the interview but I hated listening to my voice!
When you speak you hear your own voice partly by bone-transfer through your skull. When you hear a recording this element is missing, so it sounds different to you.
Likewise !! When I heard the recording for our answer phone my immediate reaction was 'that's not me, I don't sound like that ' Yes you do - daughters reply ...they could recognise the voice, I couldn't !!
No you are not imagining it, you hear your own voice direct through the bones of your skull, which makes it sound a lot different. I am the same, I do not like the sound of my voice as it sounds to others, who hear it through sound waves in the air.
Yes - I've got some recordings of me on the radio being interviewed about Alzheimer's care - I just played one back and (like Chris) enjoyed the memory, but couldn't understand why I sounded like I came from Watford :-((
Everyone who knows us is amazed how alike my mother and I sound. Considering I have spent most of my life in Birmingham and Essex, and lived with a Lancashire woman who is half Polish and a North Wales chap with a scouse accent it surprises me too.
I've got a 'microphone voice' (which is about an octave lower than I usually sound) which I used when I was a relief presenter on BBC Radio Sheffield. (I also used it for platform announcements when I worked on the railways). I regard it as far better than my regular voice although I know that it makes me sound older.
Normally you hear yourself with most of the soundwave travelling through your bones. For some reason that sounds different to when it reaches your ear by air. I also suspect that as you are used to your accent you don't notice it when speaking, but it comes through loud and clear when you critically analyze a recording.
Naturally I'm light RP with a touch of West Country.
'Okaaay yaaah, me 'andsome' :)
More often if I hear myself it's for a role so could be anything but I'm not a great lover of my voice and often get a shock when I see myself too, you think you're all Vivienne Leigh and turns out your more Jo Brand :)