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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:28 Mon 24th May 2021 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
morning all, i hope you are well and that you have a good day whatever you have planned.
weather forecast doesn't look great, pretty much like yesterday - which rather puts the dampers on things.


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Morning. Goodness I hate Mondays. I'm not much of a morning person either...

At least next week is a BH.
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the chores are now done, so i can see how the rest of the day pans out. if only it were sunny and warm, could wander round to the local gardens later.

morning Lcg
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i prefer mornings than late nights. I take it you are at work this week,
as you say there is a bank holiday coming up next week so something to look forward to.
Yes, working all week but I work from home Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I'm in 2 minds whether to go in Tuesday / Wednesday this week as there's lots going on around here which might be disruptive. Even when I'm at home I have to take calls from patients it could be difficult with all the noise going on beneath me.
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in that case i would say go in to work, i couldn't do stuff at home if the builders, decorators were flitting about. I haven't ever worked from home, as it wasn't that type of job, my last one that is.
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a friend works from home some of the time, she was on furlough for ages, and that was when the children were at home, i have no idea how she and her husband managed. I know i couldn't have done it.
Morning both of you - woken by my daughter phoning from the airport - there's been some sort of general snafu onto a KLM flight so they have been cancelled, they were off to Athens...a study trip, more like a study of the bars....
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morning Dtc
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can they change flights, or catch a later one?
Not sure on this, all a bit chaotic and they are now out of the airport.....
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thats not good,
apparently there were some very angry passengers with KLM.....
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i bet there were, surely KLM have a responsibility to their passengers to get them on another flight, why has your daughter left the airport
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doesn't she want to go on her trip? i would have stayed around and pressed them for updates
It's something to do with PCR requirements as far as I can understand - yet they had these at the end of last week....I'm not really sure what is going on and until she calls again, I am clueless. She woke me from a deep sleep so I I didn't fully take it in.
Right, I am going to go and get the ablutions's now raining again....
Good morning all!
Had to abandon mowing yesterday, hoping for a wee slot to finish today.
Hope your plans work out well.
Take care.
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what a pain, i would be more than miffed if it happened to me.
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morning Chip
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bye Dtc, have a good day...

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