Unfortunately, these large companies are trying to force us all into doing everything online and by direct debit (generally with DD, they always end up owing you so they have interest free use of your money). There is now an "App" for almost everything and trying to talk to a real person is the devil's own job. OK, most of our stuff is done like this, since it is convenient for us.
It is not convenient for my 95 year old grandmother who doesn't have a smart phone, cannot use a computer and prefers to pay in cash!! I really feel for some of that generation who have lost a fair amount of independence by the way the world is going. Thankfully, my mother is techo savvy and she does it all - that isn't the point though. Because of the way things are going, so many of the elderly (I realise not all and we have some extremely capable 80 year young guys and gals on this site) are struggling to deal with things they have always dealt with themselves and end up having to appoint someone to do this stuff for them.
Anyway, that is off your point BS. You could try going onto their website and seeing if you can access your details online. Do not follow a link but get the details off the back of your bill.