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Am I Right To Keep Worrying?

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abbeylee90 | 14:33 Tue 07th May 2024 | How it Works
73 Answers

While I took a dog to a coffi shop with me (from dogs home) a man walked past me with his dog and before I could do anything my dog had him by the back. I did an accident form explaining the incident. I've been informed that the owner has rung the home that and is taking his dog to the vet. I had a meeting with the manager as it has been said I broke the rules by taking him to a coffee shop which no one said about and I have seen other walkers in there before which I told them. The dog was a big bulldog which the manager gave out to me first time walking I clarified to her that I had never walked him. I had a meeting with her today and they're not banning me from walking but don't think it a good idea to walk for a few days and to call back in a few days to see what the outcome will be after the owner has been to the vet. It's my birthday and I'm so upset about this. Just been told there is going to be strict rules.



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It's a dog's life right enough.

dunno how you find the time....

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I feel bad for the dog and I apologise to the owner right away.

I got the week off.

Are you not given a list of rules, abbey? 

Was your dog on a lead and did you have a firm hand on the other end?

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Not to not go to a coffee shop I even posted a photo of one of my dogs in one the page and no one said anything.

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Yes he was on the lead and the dog was right up close also owner wasn't fully focused.

Imaginary dogs need a lot less exercise, davebro3.

What was the dog wearing at the time ?

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He had a 2 leads.

Worrying won't resolve anything, abbey.  The manager will have to sort it out with the owner.  That sounds like a powerful dog.  He might consider muzzling him before he goes out in public in future. Don't let it spoil your birthday.  Have a good one.

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The dog I had is quite powerful and they think he stressed in kennels so took it out on another dog.

Could be.  Don't worry about it, abbey.  It wasn't your fault.  Animals sometimes do unexpected things.

Happy birthday, Abbeylee90.

Oh dear, Abbey.  Not a good thing to happen on your birthday. I don't know the golden rules regarding taking a dog from the home to  a coffee shop, but I would think it is not advisable,

Just let the home deal with the investigation.

They will do their very best for all concerned and hopefully you will not be blamed. It was an accident and If the dog was a problem in the home, they would have been wiser to have given it to someone really strong.

You will have to try and relax and leave them to deal with the matter.

Happy Birthday !


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Because they might have to cover any vet bills. They won't ban as something alot more serious happened with a dog being let off lead by another walker and injured a dog and the owner and the owner reported the incident to the police so the dog was put to sleep!

Happy Birthday, Abbey 🙂

They must have insurance, abbey.

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It's the council so I would have thought so.

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I was also challenged as I messaged a volunteer straight after for advice.

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