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My Pensions

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Deskdiary | 19:04 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | How it Works
4 Answers

I have four pensions, two of which I continue to pay into, two of which I don't, the latter two being old company pensions that I haven't bothered to consolidate.


Three of the pensions continue to make money, but one of them is worth 50% of what it was worth just a couple of years ago.


I'm far from an expert in pensions, so trust them to invest wisely, so my question is if three of them have continued to make money, but one has halved in value, in the same period, is this mismanagement of my money?



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If its a small pot with high charges that may explain it as its very unlikely investments would fall so much when the stock market has done okay.its unusual for them to use higher risk funds.

Thank goodness for defined benefit pensions. One can't afford to gamble on retirement income. Inflation is bad enough.

Probably time to move money from the worst performing to the best.

Talk to a Financial Advisor who can review the charges, look to consolidate, and help you to understand what the funds were invested in. 

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